WPC-PVC Producers Increase Prices of Goods by 5 %

person access_time3 22 March 2018

WPC and PVC board producers have decided to increase the prices of finished goods by 5 percent during a meeting held in Delhi on 18th Nov 2017, which was attended by more than 60 producers from across the country. During the meeting the members of newly formed Association of “Entire WPC-PVC Manufacturers” unanimously elected their office bearers, board members, President, General Secretary and Vice President representing every region and state. Mr Pawan Garg, MD of Alstone has taken charge of President.

During the meeting, the Association decided to increase the prices of finished boards by 5% with effect from 1st December 2017. The members argued that the raw materials specially prices of additive chemicals for PVC board manufacturing have gone up which is pushing them to increase price of finished products. Hence an increase the 5 % prices with immediate effect is implemented. The Association has also set some quality parameter for the WPC/ PVC board products during the meeting, which would also add the cost of finished products. During the meeting Association also formed technical committees, product standard parameters, organized work culture etc, which will help to monitor this emerging sector, fueling the growth further.

It is noted that WPC- PVC producers/ establishments have spread over pan India, which is counted more than 100. Another two dozen units are in pipeline, which will come into production by next year. BSMR survey suggested that the WPC- PVC market in India has crossed Rs 1000 crore business and if the producers would be adhered to offer good quality it will be doubled by next 3 years. Apart from domestic production, a huge volume of PVC boards are being imported in India, mainly to Southern India Ports, thus creating a tough challenge for Indian PVC board producers.

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