The growth of decorative industry is majorly dependent on showroom based retailers and it is a fact that they are drivers of this segment of business. They have invested a large amount of their capital in display and showrooms. So, the resumption of work to the showrooms and customers footfall is coming to normal is very satisfying to the trade people. It was expected before unlocking that the sales activity will be majorly dependent on digital platforms and online but with the positive response to visit the showrooms by the customers, architects and interiors designers, today people are planning for opening the new showrooms also. The Ply Reporter survey also indicates that in last two months over 200 showrooms are under plan to be opened. We are expecting many new showrooms in north India like Delhi, Jaipur are going to be opened.
During online launching event of Euro Pratik’s organized by the company in association with the Ply Reporter –India’s leading distributors of decorative products opined to the fact that “The sales are really coming to the showrooms of wood panel and decorative products after opening the market in last five unlocking process of the markets and economic activities in the country.” Before opening of lockdown there was a perception that the customers will be hesitant coming to the showrooms, but pat two months have been evident of opposite result.
There were several questions to them like what is the response after six months? How the selection is going on, either by phone calls, WhatsApp, video calls or the customers are coming to the showrooms physically as usual? To these questions, Mr Sushil Agarwal from Delhi says that now the customers, interior professionals, architects are coming to the showrooms as the interior products cannot be selected seeing the picture only. Without feeling the product, the selection is impossible. As opening lockdown phase wise is taking place the fear of corona or COVID is coming down. The decreasing number of cases and increasing recovery rates are also helpful to make people moving out of home more, so the visiting of customers are increasing to the showrooms.
Mr Manish Gala, Euro Veneer World, Bangalore opines that in May 75% customers were trying to choose and finalize the product via digital on online mode and phone calls. Sometime people were getting understand and placing the orders also, but were willing to touch and feel, so they were taking appointment and after fixing timeto visit they were coming time to finalize the material avoiding the crowd and maintaining safety major. But, with unlock 1,2,3,4 now it seems nearly 10-15% people are hesitant to visit the showrooms who are either very particular or being far away to the showroom are asking for photo. Overall the normalcy has come and people are doing their work as usual.
Mr. Piyush Thambi of Gujarat opines that ‘business is increasing in comparison to the lockdown period. People are coming in physical after conforming that all security majors are being practiced in the showrooms like social distancing, bearing masks and the places are properly sanitized time to time. People are incredibly positiveand don’t fear of COVID. The pandemic has gone from their minds. Seeing the enthusiasm, we are coming up with a new showroom very soon’ says Piyush.
Mr. Ramesh Patel from Raipur said, “Interior professionals and customers are also coming to the showrooms frequently but they definitely ensure that there is no crowd in the showrooms, so they first ask for suitable time to visit. Many of them select from the folders also and slowly people are moving forward.” Mr. Chetan Patel, Bhopal views that 75% business has been lined up and slowly the market is picking up. The architects and interior designers are selecting their 50% materials from their office itself by using catalogue there in case if they require different we also provide the catalogue to their site as well with all safety major. Mr. Vinay Sethia, Chennai says that Architects are very particular visiting to the showrooms for selecting the materials and they like to visit after having proper enquiry like seeing a bride to finalize for marriage. They definitely visit ones for finalizing. After launching Euro Pratik’s CASSA range of products we are very hopeful that lot of architects and interior designers will come to our showrooms and we will have great business.
Mr. Birjot Singh from Punjab says that no doubt when the COVID started there was some negative feeling in the minds of everyone. But, the Ply Reporters initiative and regularly online discussions boost the energy to everyone and all are benefited of that. The plus point is that window shopping has lost its grown and today only the genie customers are coming to the showrooms. In my opinion today those are having stock and giving better are taking advantage. We have already pre-COVID sales but today we are getting advantage of being organized with stock and better service. In this crucial time we have to apply digital marketing also of its PDFs and catalogues come to us immediately after launching the product and it also support to the distributors and architects. For support the digital assistance is good but the final selection is happening by the customers by visiting to the showrooms and having touch and feel with real appearance of the product.
Mr. Anhad Rajpal from Kanpur says, “We also provide the folders onsite for the selection of materials and sometimes the architects and interior designers come down to the showrooms also to see, touch and feel the products and observe the backlights on it. The fear of COVID has come down.”
Mr Prashant of Devansi Laminates says that ‘Now lot of negativity after lockdown has come down and nearly we have back to the business by 70% to the pre-COVID level. Many of the architects, interior designers and customers have started to come to a large extent.
Mr. Prateek Jain, Mumbai says that As Mumbai was majorly affected by COVID and frequent lockdown, secondly the lifeline of Mumbai – the local train has not resumed to running on the track till date, so there is a bit issue in sale but if compared to the month of June, our 50 -60% work has been resumed and I hope in a month or two we will come to the full-fledged.