Amulya Mica’s organised Annual Sales meet at Agra from 9 to 11 April, 2022. The meet was opened traditionally with lighting the lamp and Ganesh Vandana followed by National Anthem. All the team members introduced themselves to the house.The newly made shot corporate film was presented to the house.
The session started with MD Shri Rakesh Agarwal’s speech, in which he touched many important points and aspects. He assessed the company’s growth on various parameters like GST collection, growth in export, défense budget, highest growth in automobile industry, etc. From his experience, AMULYA MICA’S ANNUAL SALES MEET AT AGRA he reiterated that the coming year 2022-23 is going to register the highest growth in the last 20 years. Looking at the uncertainty faced after COVID, he emphasized on Plan A, Plan B and also on Plan C. He also insisted upon critically managing the balance between bottom line and top line.

He also informed the house about the various training programs planned for equipping and improving the skills of sales force. He also informed the house about some major restructuring and inclusion in Hierarchy system.
After MD’s speech, Mr. H. K. Maheshwari delivered his educating and motivating session on the subject “Soaring High To Be The Nature Of Everyone.”
Following launches took place at the meet – Corporate Profile and Credential (2022-23); Amulya Times(In-house quarterly news magazine) – Vol. 27; Testimonial book (updated version); New Amulya 1.25 mm PVC Laminate Folder; CLADMAESTRO - The New Amulya HPL Cladding Folder Saket 1mm folder (updated version), etc.

Apart from this, other directors Ms. Shailja Agarwal and Mr. Abhishek Agarwal delivered the sessions like Shoppe Concept, Udaan Capital – The Channel Financing. Some informative session by Senior officials of the organization were delivered, like – Bonding Programs for Influencers, Incentives for team, etc.
Performance review of 2021-22 and Budget of 2022- 23 was discussed with the Individual Branches. In the meantime, other team members were facilitated to see turn by turn, one of the Seven Wonders -TAJ MAHAL. A training session was held by expert faculty on cultural change.

The promotion letters to the eligible members were announced and performers were rewarded. They were also made to share their experience. In his wrap-up session MD Shri Rakesh Agarwal Ji emphasized on efficiently taking forward the Lakshya drive (increasing the sale of premium product by manifolds).
The three days meet ended with the vote of thanks, followed by Musical Evening and Gala Dinner with the Delicacies of Agra.