Ply Reporter May 2019 issue is featuring a special report on ‘ 0.92 mm decorative laminates : a Short Term Profit business or Long Term way’. Reports on tightening of timber supply and strict buying terms, labour shortage, etc are worth read. The interaction with Mr. Avtar Singh Bhullar, National Sales Manager of Century Ply MDF/PB Division is another worth reading interview for wood panel industry and trade. The successful launch of India Interior Retailing (IIR), an initiative of Ply Reporter and Surface Reporter magazine, is featured along with other happenings in the industry and trade. May is hectic month because 2nd and 3rd edition of IIR in Ahmedabad and Bangalore on 4th and 18 May respectively, World biggest furniture and wood working machinery show Interzum and Ligna in Germany.
Keep reading and wish for stable government...