Punjab Plywood Manufacturers Association (PPMA), President, Mr. Indrajit Singh Sohal has written to Commerce and Industry Minister Mr. Piyush Goyal for the urgent need of BIS marking for wood based industry sector including plywood, wood flush doors, shutters and block boards that was an a quality Control Orders (QCO) by BIS and DPIIT announced in August 2023.
He stated that the import of substandard plywood and block board in the country will be greatly curbed. “We are fully prepared for the order of DPIIT.” He emphasized that there is no need for any extension in the implementation date. This letter has been sent to Prime Minister along with Minister of State for Commerce and Industry; Director General, BIS; the Deputy Director General (North), BIS, Chandigarh and the Head (CHBO), BIS, Chandigarh.
He wrote that large quantities of inferior and low quality plywood are being imported and dumped, which has adversely affected the plywood industry in the country. Despite the government's efforts to promote 'Make in India', many importers are bringing in low quality plywood. They are cheating the users by putting fake BIS mark on it.
He stated that the industry, which is mainly dependent on farmers' tree plantations, and if the imported plywood comes, the Farmers' and local unemployment will be affected. Local industry helps farmers, who cultivate Eucalyptus and Poplar. Implementation of QCO will help in curbing import of substandard plywood and block boards.

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