A Sustainable Kitchen System with Recyclable Stainless Steel Modules | Ilo+milo 2.0

person access_time 29 November 2023

Interior architect Ntaiana Charalampous, co-founder of the design studio Dedaleo, has introduced the Ilo+milo 2.0 kitchen system. Developed as a flexible alternative to traditional kitchens, Charalampous designed the system to cater to modern, dynamic lifestyles, providing homeowners and young individuals with adaptable solutions for their kitchen layout. Know more about it on FURNITURE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (FDT).

The Ilo+milo 2.0, updated in 2022, features square stainless-steel modules measuring 60cm X 60cm. These modules can be combined in various configurations, allowing users t Read More.........


This article is originally uploaded on Furniture Design and Technology (FDT)

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