Although Greenlam Industries revenue from operation decreased to Rs 334.6 crore in Q3, FY 20-21 from Rs 358 crore in the same quarter ended corresponding period last year, but the consolidated profit increased by 10% from Rs 29 crore to 32 crore respectively.
In last three months from Q2 to Q3 FY 20-21 the company recovered very well from Rs 289 crore to Rs 334.6 crore. The total income in Q3 this year was Rs 336.4 crore corresponding to Rs 359 crore last year.
In this year standalone revenue generation from Laminate and allied products in Q3 remain at Rs 276.5 crore from 280 crore in the same period of quarter ended last year. From veneer and allied products also the performance decreased and the revenue generation remained to Rs 38.76 crore from Rs 55.23 crore respectively.
Among the investors Greenlam profile maintained its goodwill as its share has witnessed a sharp rise from Rs 650 to above 900 mark since last year and maintaining a constant upward curve. Among the world’s top three producer of laminates, Greenlam Laminates brings a legacy of exceptional artistry, unsurpassed quality.
With a production capacity of 15.62 million sheets every year, they always ensured superior quality products offering. Professionals such as architects, interior designers and end consumers rely on them. With a network of over 14000 dealers and distributors they maintain their level of excellence and commitment.