In april 2nd week, there has been price drop letters moving in trade circles resulting in to a pressure mounting scene among laminate producers. Indian Laminate Manufacturers Association (ILMA) has issued an advisory to its members cautioning on price drop moves. ILMA has warned of the possible new price hike in the raw materials for laminate manufacturing. It said that the economic recession has affected our business in many ways due to which the production capacities have reduced and overhead costs have risen.
ILMA letter states "There haven't been any noticeable changes in the cost of raw material in recent times. There have been ups and down due to market inventories but it has remained on similar levels overall. Also, due to surge in crude prices and ongoing unrest in European countries, there is a possibility of a new hike in raw material prices," it said further hence, currently the cost levels would remain same.
ILMA is the association of indian laminate manufacturers who advises industry and trade on occasions of need and bringing the sector on one plateform.