Recently Reynobond India sets a benchmark for all ACP manufacturers by becoming the first Indian Company to obtain BIS in ACP segment, Mr Deepankar Garg, Director, Reynobond ACP interacts with Ply Reporter to reflect his opinion on the nuances and benefits of obtaining BIS certification. Urging all industry fellows to obtain BIS, he also describes that ISI certification is a significant milestone in ACP because it ensures superior quality sheets to the Architectural fraternity.
Q. ReynoArch bond becomes the first Indian company to obtain BIS certification, how much is the importance of this certification in this category?
ReynoArch has received ISI certification in BIS grade 17682:2021 having licence number 8400254911, marking its commitment to quality and safety. This certification ensures products meeting Indian Government national standards, enhancing trust and credibility. It also sets a benchmark for industry manufacturers and facilitates export opportunities, making ReynoArch a preferred choice for architects and contractors. The ISI is addressing issues with Aluminum Composite Panels (ACP) in India;many manufacturers in India are making ACP sheets with no Quality Guidelines due to which many issues are cropping up including delamination, color fading, and low hardness, low thickness of aluminium coil. Due to this the end customer is getting troubled. By obtaining ISI certification, a significant milestone is set for the widely used product.
Q. Can you specify any specific feature of BIS which qualifies the right parameter?
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification ensures products meet Indian Standards for quality, safety, and performance, with rigorous testing and periodic inspections. It emphasizes safety, ecofriendliness, and regulatory compliance, making BIScertified products reliable and sustainable. BIS Code IS 17682:2021sets standards for aluminium composite panel focusing on coating thickness, density, thickness, weather resistance, chemical resistance, oxygen index, smoke density, and non-combustibility. It addresses acousticconcerns, non-combustible materials, and thermal compression. All the above Parameters are of key importance for any building facade.
Q. What is your message to your customers after acquiring this certificate?
ReynoArch is architects’ first choice in India today, a trusted brand in India's building and design industry. ReynoArch’s Journey is incomplete without architects, interior designer, façade consultants, fabricators and carpenters.We thank all our customers for their trust in high Quality Façade Solutions. As a Reward we have received the prestigious ISI mark for the First time in India in this product category.
Q. What is the Product range of ReynoArch, also let us know the market size?
ReynoArch, known for its nine letters, now holds India's largest portfolio in facade and architectural solutions. The company offers nine exceptional products, including A2 Class Aluminum Composite Panels, HighPressure Laminates, Wood-Plastic Composite Louvers, Honeycomb composite Panels, Zinc Composite Panels, ACP Louvers, Ventilated Louvers and Solid Metal Panels. Today Market size of Reynoarch is big all due to support from Architects, Façade Consultants, channel partners & Fabricators. Our 18 Warehouses in India’s major cities has helped all customers in giving faster delivery. Our high Quality Product Range and vision of our Founder Principle Mr Pawan Garg has paved exceptional way for our Brands growth. We thank all our Customers for their love and support.
Q. How do you see the ACP market growth in India?
ACP has faced slow growth in the Indian market in the last 5 Years, primarily due to the proliferation of low-quality products. ISI Certification standards have been introduced to tackle this challenge and reshape the market dynamics. These certifications focus on ensuring superior quality in ACP products, paving the way for accelerated growth and enhanced industry performance. Reynoarch has just started this journey by getting ISI certification ensuring High Quality ACP sheets to the Architectural Fraternity. Slowly and gradually many other manufacturers shall take this certification and shift their Quality to standard system. I am sure that soon all Architects and Façade Consultants will accept the ISI certified ACP sheets for its trust in quality and longevity.
Q. Is there any message or piece of advice; you want to convey to other industry fellows.
ReynoArch has become the first Indian company to achieve ISI certification, demonstrating the industry's progress in quality and compliance. This achievement demonstrates the potential of Indian manufacturers to meet global standards and inspires collaboration to build a stronger, safer, and more reliable future for customers. We urge industry peers to comply with the mandatory ISI mark for aluminium Composite Panel, ACP products to drive industry growth, credibility, and global benchmarks, regain strength and trust.