एमडीएफ को प्लाइवुड का शेयर पाने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत की आवष्यकता

person access_time3 13 August 2018

The Plywood, MDF, Laminate and Prelam industries are back to 75% to 80% levels with payments flowing smoothly. Staff salaries are also back in accordance but there has been severe screening and sorting to bring down the cost. Many people are jobless and many in process of changing their places but the trade is getting back on its feet, much faster than expected. September beginning is showing a bigger crowd on retail counters with increasing activities on construction sites. The top branded plylam companies have begun promoting their brands aggressively with new marketing strategy and product range.

With Century, Greenlam and Stylam advt visible on television chanels, there is an effort to create a stronger image. This shows the strength and conviction of brands which are brave to spend against the odds. The emerging brands are also active with focused advertising and hiring to re-claim their positions. On the contrary, the "Unbranded" and "So called Branded" segment is in hurry to increase volumes with more cheap products and eager to offer loads of materials with same vigour.

With Century, Greenlam and Stylam advt visible on television chanels, there is an effort to create astronger image. This shows the strength and conviction of brands which are brave to spend against the odds. The emerging brands are also active with focused advertising and hiring to re-claim their positions. On the contrary, the "Unbranded" and "So called Branded" segment is in hurry to increase volumes with more cheap products and eager to offer loads of materials with same vigour

The good thing that what covid has given to wood panel industry is, discipline in payments and faster rotation. Few ill intended people have been bluntly refusing and not picking up calls for payments but the genuine dealers are back with more energy. So far, we at Ply Reporter have received 279 such mails, massages and complaints that are blamed for default with ill intent of not paying under the shield of Covid 19 pandemic.

Although many of those enterprises have cleared the pending dues partially or fully after some active persuasion and many have returned the materials but still significant percentages are clever and using this time as an opportunity to grab money. The Ply Reporter will once again request and advise for honest approach and hand holding instead of short term greed. Ultimately, intent is what you get at last.

The biggest lesson, covid 19 has given to wood panel industry is about "doing organised and formal business" but the very few seems to have learnt and adopted. A greater volume is being traded in unreported way but there is movement. The mood on the ground is let us roll first and we will improve to formal business soon. Indian entrepreneurs are very resilient and agile. Once again, Indian people adoptability and surviving spirit in any adverse scenario is visible with each passing day. Trains, Airoplanes, Road traffic, Metro rail, markets etc are almost a buzz with enough crowd. The rush is back, and so will be the businesses, we all anticipate the growth and recovery with bigger hope now.

There is caution in decorative laminate category as industry and trade seems to be heading towards chaos, but I will wait and research a little more before I write further. The Ply Reporter is doing its ground study and research again which will be soon be for you all about "the Impact, this Covid 19 pandemic is about to create". Stay updated, keep reading Ply Reporter.

Pragat Dvivedi

Founder Editor
Mail to “dpragat@gmail.com”, ( M) 9310612991.

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