Underpromise, and Overdeliver, This is the USP of Jd Doors - Mr Aniket Jindal, JD doors, Yamunanagar

person access_time4 16 March 2020

Classic Plywood Industries, an ISO 9001:2008 company, specializing in Pine Block Boards manufacturing is witnessing the change across the industry. After a thorough analysis on the prospects & opportunities in different strata related to doors, they have created a separate manufacturing facility for doors production with the intent to create the brand “JD Doors” by leading the industry with intentions of heavily relying on customer service. Mr Aniket Jindal, a young entrepreneur, who vision this concept and is the founder of JD doors shared his thoughts with The Ply Reporter and elaborated his plans for the future. Excerpts from the interview with the young entrepreneur.

Q- Classic Plywood is a two decade old company, what is your objective behind the expansion plan and venture into the door industry?

A- I joined the business in late 2017 after spending two years in China. We have had created a good network in wood panel trade created by my father with his long exposure in the industry. However, resources were limited and the product range was also fixed to plywood and Block Boards. So, the basic objective of present expansion is to setup new production line with the broader vision & mission as well as add a new range of products. Now with long term goal, we intent to put new actions in place thus we have started with different product lines. Before venturing into the business, we consulted with our distributors and dealers and did some market research that is how Doors become our new focus.

Q- How much is the installed capacity?

A- We have two 15 daylight presses, five chambers of thousands cft each and two production sections of finishing doors. Just by producing the day time we can produce almost more than 1000 doors per day, so we have fairly decent size capacity.

We have two 15 daylight presses, five chambers of thousands cft each and two production sections of finishing doors. Just by producing the day time we can produce almost more than 1000 doors per day, so we have fair

Q- What is the market targeting you have for the doors?

A- During last one year, our basic goal has been to reach to a level of becoming one of the leading brands by 2020. We aim to produce maximum number of doors in thiscity, and moving forward to higher values by offering readymade doors to consumers. Our intention is to reach to end customers by extending our reach from B2B segment. Hence, we are trying to make products which are consumer centric. We will provide the installation services for that too. So, the objective for this investment and expansion is to provide readymade one stop solution for the end customers.

Very few units are focusing on value additions and targeting the end customer. Being a highly centralised industrial hub, it is very difficult for factories to focus on B2C sales. Here’s where lie the opportunity for the emerging generation to focus on marketing and end point sale. In the door segment one needs a lot of investment, such as finishing place, warehouse etc. on the contrary, plywood unit need smaller space.

Q- Yamuna Nagar is a plywood centric hub, how do you see the door manufacturing support system here?

A- There are around fifty such units which are producing good numbers of doors, mainly flush doors. However, very few units are focusing on value additions and targeting the end customer. Being a highly centralised industrial hub, it is very difficult for factories to focus on B2C sales. Here’s where lie the opportunity for the emerging generation to focus on marketing and end point sale. In the door segment one needs a lot of investment, such as finishing place, warehouse etc. on the contrary, plywood unit need smaller space.

Q- Please elaborate a little on value addition of doors that you are planning for?

A- What I mean by finished doors is gradually providing finished doors to the end customers so that they don’t have to waste their time in selecting hinges, handles etc. The customers have to buy the doors and the rest is in the hands of manufacturer who is responsible for installation and finishing with proper facility with locks and handles. We will also provide full design support with that, and the customers need not contact specifiers any more.

Q- You launched JD Doors. What is the idea behind the brand name?

A- JD is stuck to my mind and it sounds very easy. It’s not very complicated. Brand names should be easy to pronounce and easy to remember. Any one, who is using doors can remember it. The full name of factory  is Jagdamba Doors and JD Doors is the short form of it eventually.

Q-  Any message you wish to give to your clients or who is buying and using JD Doors?

What I can assure is ‘our service and relationship’ that we have with the dealers and users. I think it will take time to build and I don’t compromise anything with that. We take pride in saying that we don’t compromise on quality at all, and service is something that we are focusing on. We say that your truck load is dispatched in five days whether we are at factory or not. The people are there for 24 hours who know what to do, so we make sure quick dispatches within time. Whatever time we commit we deliver on time. Whatever we commit we do. This is the USP of JD Doors.

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