Amulya Mica launched its 2020 edition of 1mm folder Pan India. In Delhi NCR and Bengaluru region, Amulya Mica experimented the launching activity in a new fashion and style. The dealers were given a feel and experience of Unveiling a Milestone. The most effective was the instant photo of the launching activity, showing the dealer unveiling the folder, which became a memorabilia for them and ever dealer fondly placed it on his front counter.
The whole team of Delhi NCR region and Bengaluru region were on toes for almost a week to cover maximum number of dealers. The respective distributors’ cooperation and whole hearted participation in the activity is also worth mentioning.
Apart from THREE FOLD UNVEILING OF CATALOGUE, the team also carried out some other feel good activities like placing danglers, distributing sweets, taking instant photographs, playing thumping music etc. The most important was, explaining to the dealers and their dealing persons, the salient and unique features of new catalogue. The exotic new designs introduced in the catalogue were well accepted by the dealers as meeting up the demand in different segments of the market like High end Corporate and Household projects, Architects, Interiors, Institutions, OEMs, etc.
The wise placement of sample pcs in the interesting combinations, were also appreciated. Everyone has his own style of reading, understanding and presenting the catalogue, but this 10 to 15 minutes presentation got imprinted in the minds of dealer and his dealing persons. The smile on the faces of Dealers and their team members was acknowledging the success of this LAUNCHING ACTIVITY.