The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) ended the ban in place since 1993 on the use of timber in its construction projects, saying that the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) had asked for the ban to be lifted in order to boost the economy, generate jobs and encourage farmers to plant more trees. "The MoEFCC has asked to remove the ban on use of wood in construction, since it will create demand for wood-based industries that would spur the local economy and encourage farmers and others to bring degraded areas under tree cover an office memorandum issued by the CPWD said.
It was long awaited by the industry fraternity, stake holders and research institutes as for this development IWST had recommended many years before. Mr MP Singh, Director, IWST said that it is a welcome step taken by the government. IWST had requested to not banning it. Now after lifting the ban it will benefit to agro forestry and the farmers will be benefited with this initiative. The wood based industry will also get a boost with increasing application of wood in buildings. Mr Navneet Gajjar, President, Kandla Timber Association (KTA) also expressed happiness and said that it will help wood industry and the demand will grow further.
Mr. Naval Kedia, President, Federation of All India Timber Merchants Saw Millers and Allied Industries said, “Association has been for long pursuing this cause to promote usage of Sustainable sourced and grown wooden products across various verticals of application in State and Central Government Departments. Wood is a carbon neutral commodity unlike Plastic, Steel, Aluminium etc. We have been pursuing Govt Departments to encourage more and more usage of Wood across Construction projects, desk /chairs at Schools/Colleges etc, reintroduction of Wooden Sleepers in Railway Tracks, Wooden Doors and Window Frames, Wooden Pallets for Industrial use and Logistics , encourage Wooden Furniture manufacturing , promotion of Agro forestry etc . CPWD discontinuing ban of Timber usage in all their projects after a long span of 25 years is a huge feeling of contentment but this is just the 1st step towards achieving the larger objective of Carbon Neutral India with more and more usage of Sustainably Grown and Sourced Wood”.
Mr Akshat Garg, Director, Sumitra Rajkripal Group (SRG) said, “CPWD’s decision to lift the ban on timber for its usage in building will definitely create more employment opportunities. Everyone from farmers to workers in the real estate sector will be able to connect and generate more jobs and consequently, achieve a higher turnover for the economy. We at SRG believe in the value of reforestation, which we carry out in South America and West Africa. Sustainable development requires us to uphold the value of reforestation while also keeping in mind the needs of the farmers of our country, who form the pillar of our economy”.