Film Face Plywood; A Saviour in a Difficult Times - Rajiv Parashar, Editor

person access_time3 31 May 2021

Film faced Shuttering Plywood is a commodity product, that is why the leading plywood brands have been largely avoiding as a main product. Although Film face category has registered the double digits growth because there is no alternate to this plywood yet. This product is mainly dominated by semi-organised brands, hence it is an advantage for users because they get such an important building material products at economical prices. It is equally an advantage to this product category as well because other alternate solutions for this products are costlier.

Ply Reporter’s Film Faced Special issue is ready with lots of market analysis and reports, which would reach to you very soon. This issue has covered 85 film faced plywood companies along with all lead brands in this category. During this product category survey, we clearly find that there is a huge market opening up for this product in India. The present capacity will fall short to fulfil India’s demand for another 10 years, hence there is plenty of rooms for volume growth as well as product standardisation with maturing construction industry sector and their demand.

Our data indicates that this product has reached to rural and tier-three markets as well, which has given a boost to MR grade materials. Like MDF, this product is also moving through dealers and the role of wholesalers is reducing. In the present time, when other commercial and furniture grade plywood demand lacks due to the second Covid wave, this sector manufacturing is reported to run with its 60% capacity.

Our data indicates that this product has reached to rural and tier-three markets as well, which has given a boost to MR grade materials. Like MDF, this product is also moving through dealers and the role of wholesalers is reducing. The credit period has been reducing because suppliers are getting advance payments from builders and contractors. In the present time, when other commercial and furniture grade plywood demand lacks due to the second Covid wave, this sector manufacturing is reported to run with its 60 % capacity, that why we called it a Saviour product in difficult time.

With growth in this product category, there is ample room for high-quality products, creating brand image, ensure organize work culture and improve profit margins. With the entry of organized and big Realtors such as Tata Housing, Godrej, Mahindra etc, implementation of RERA, this sector has good potential for further growth. With construction, there is prospective in transport and packaging sector as well. The government’s order to scrap 15 years old vehicles provides good demand in this sector as well. Now Film faced ply segment should improve paper thickness, make Calibrated plywood, use high-quality resins, fire-rated properties etc would help them to nextlevel growth.

The Ply Reporter latest edition, May 2021 is here, amidst spiraling odds, we have worked fearlessly  to keep you updated, and motivated.  With  our print issue ready and 20% markets open, we will slowly reach your counters with each market opening, which will eventually start happening by a couple of weeks. We will dispatch the hardcopy of May issue 2021, gradually with all safety protocols, so that you get the May issue for sure. 

This issue has a number of positive news, market update, product launches news, reports related to the covid impact on different products demand, businesses and manufacturing and more. The interaction with Mr. Rajesh Mittal, CMD, Greenply Industries Ltd, the market status update of April month and a brief interview of Mr. Gopal Bansal, Director, Wigwam shall throw light on the positive side of the business situation even in present times.  We have lost many valuable friends, people from industries & trade, professionals related to the wood panel sector in this pandemic.

We pray for all! Hope good times will come back with our next issue!

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