Labacha Launches Vast Range of Mortise with Lot of Furniture Fittings

person access_time2 24 December 2021

The EU has launched the procedure for the introduction of anti-dumping duties on birch plywood supplies from Russia, TASS reports referring to the European Commission. It is noted that a complaint about the dumping price for these products was submitted to the European Commission on August 31, 2020 by the European Consortium of the Wood Industry on behalf of two European manufacturers that produced more than 25% of all birch plywood in the EU in 2019.

It is noted that "prices for birch plywood imported from Russia were lowered for dumping purposes and, accordingly, caused damage to the EU industry. "The introduction of Anti Dumping Duties move on Russian Birch Plywood is expected to affect on India Plywood market because the growing import of these plywood in India.

According to Ply Reporter estimates, India normally requires approximately 250 containers of Plywood from Russia that include Building Construction and Interior Purpose. The fancy of using of Birch Plywood has been there in India among architect led premium segment. Since a few years, preference of calibrated birch plywood has been on the rise due to its premium quality and highly uniform and smooth surface, but the price fluctuation has never allowed the product to settle down with consistency in India market.

India plywood traders expect that the once the anti dumping duties imposes by European Union, then there is surplus materials available in Russia, which will help them get Birch plywood at lower rates than now. Traders always blame that they can sale good volume of Russian Birch Plywood in India market but price fluctuations and other investments have upset the total calculation. Traders feel that if the price of Birch plywood comes down by 10 percent, they are able to increase their volume because it is suitable plywood for many interior applications, which they hardly get from Indian manufacturers.

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