Year 2022 will be a buzz with arrival and orders of new lines in MDF and particle board segment. The coming year is expected to witness North, South and Central regions getting a dozen of new lines including both the segment, thus putting focus on rationalising prices and timber plantation. The organised sector will be leading the expansion spree in 2022, where as emerging SME’s will also join the euphoria by ordering smaller capacities.
Year 2022, will witness new arrivals of around 6-7 Particle board plants in all zones, apart from expansions/new MDF lines in Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The growth in MDF sector is hovering at 19.0 % will remain unchanged with further expanding markets.
The growing needs of timber will draw industry attention towards plantation drive as there will not be many options left other than big industries taking the charge in their own hands. With beginning of plantation drive initiated by Green Panel industries in Andhra Pradesh, Merino Laminates and Green Ply in Gujarat and ensuring industry consumption and demand for timber from farmers will set a new trend for wood-based panel industries in year 2022.