MDF Production Supports in Centuryply Q3 Revenue

person access_time2 21 February 2018

At Rewari (Haryana) Floresta’s Carpenters Meet was successfully organised recently by Mr. Sachin Walia and Mr. Anil Walia at Hotel Kaniska, Rewari. There were around 70 plus good level carpenters attended the meeting. The programme started with welcome speech by Mr. Puneet Aggarwal, Mr. Sachin Walia and Anil Wali at Rewaroi; while at Bathinda (Punjab) Contractors Meet was successfully organised by Mr. Ram and Mr. Anil Walia at Hotel Sun City Classic, Bathinda. There were around 100 plus good level contractors and some industrialists also attended this house packed meet. The programme started with welcome speech by Mr. Anil Walia at Bathinda.

During the meeting Floresta WPC products were beautifully displayed at both the places later Mr. K. R. Subrahmanyam (G.M-Sales & Marketing) during his 90 minutes speech clarified the difference between PVC boards available in the market and the Floresta Product for future. He also briefed about their upcoming new products. All the carpenters and contractors present in the meeting shown high interest in his speech. Practical work-shop session with Floresta WPC boards like nailing, screwing and sawing to find out its real strength was also conducted during the meet at both the places. All the carpenters and contractors felt very happy with the WPC quality and admitted that Floresta real WPC has great strength compared to other PVC brands available in the market. Most of the carpenters/contractors expressed their concerned that they are not happy working with PVC boards hence they have slowed down using PVC material. After this meeting they gained the confidence of Floresta WPC and all are ready to use this product.

Mr. Puneet of Aggarwal Plywood & Hardware, Rewari (Haryana) highly appreciated the seminar and shared his experience about the quality of Floresta WPC. He and Mr. Rajeev of Rajeev Glass, Bathinda also praised Mr. K R Subrahmanyam for having deep knowledge about the product, and the way he explained and given the knowledge to all carpenters is highly remarkable. Some of the contractors present at the Bhatinda meeting placed an order for their ongoing projects and assured in their up-coming projects also. Mr. Rajeev of Rajeev Glass, Bathinda highly appreciated this seminar and said the Floresta is the only company who has done this type of meeting at Bahinda. He shared his experience about the quality of the Floresta WPC and told this will be No-1 in short of time.


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