Prices to Rise on Melamine Imports From EU, JAPAN, QATAR AND UAE

person access_time3 16 March 2022

Government of India has imposed AntiDumping duty on imports of Melamine from European Union, Japan, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. The recommendation has come in the final submission (Case No - AD (OI) 01/2021) after the application filed before the Designated Authority filed by Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals. The initiation of ADD investigation was notified dated 26th Feb 2021. Now Under the F. No. 6/1/2021 – DGTR dated 25 February 2022 the MoC&I has notified for the final submission in which the authority is of the view that imposition of anti-dumping duty is necessary. The authority observed that the domestic industry has suffered material injury.

Volume of dumped imports has increased. Imports from subject countries are undercutting the prices of the applicant domestic industry. While production has increased, the applicant domestic industry is operating with significant idle capacity. Further, increase in domestic sales has not been in line with increase in production as the applicant has been left with significant idle inventories. The performance of the domestic industry has significantly deteriorated in respect of profits, cash profits and return on capital employed. The domestic industry has suffered financial losses, cash losses and negative return on investments in the period of investigation. The material injury suffered has been caused by dumped imports.

The Authority notes that the investigation was initiated and notified to all interested parties and adequate opportunity was given to the domestic industry, Embassy of the subject countries, exporters, importers and other interested parties to provide positive information on the aspect of dumping, injury and causal link. Having initiated and conducted an investigation into dumping, injury and causal link in terms of Rules and having established positive dumping margin as well material injury to the domestic industry caused by such imports, the Authority is of the view that imposition of anti-dumping duty is necessary

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