Floresta Dealers Meet at Trivandrum, South Kerala

person access_time3 26 April 2018

Floresta successfully organised Dealers Meet in association with Mr. Sameel and Mr. Justin in Hotel High Land Park at Trivandrum, south Kerala. Reputed Plywood dealers attended the program and made it a grand successful. During the programme at the venue Floresta WPC products were beautifully displayed. The programme started with welcome speech by Mr. Justin later Mr. K. R. Subrahmanyam explained about actual WPC and PVC, and the difference between WPC and PVC board available in the market.

He also explained its features, benefits and the applications of this Product. He also explained in details why we need Floresta WPC at present time and why it is substitute to plywood. All the dealers had shown high interest in his speech. After meeting they attended Practical work-shop session with Floresta WPC boards and learned about nailing, screwing and sawing to find out its actual strength.

During Question-Answer secession, most of the Dealers expressed their problems faced while using PVC boards even in Branded but due to non availability of the substitute product they were continuing with available product otherwise not interested in using PVC Boards. Mr. K. R. Subrahmanyam with his subject knowledge cleared their doubts.

Finally, dealers attended this seminar highly appreciated for the useful knowledge about actual WPC and PVC and the difference between WPC & PVC. They were keen interested in WPC Product and admitted that Floresta real WPC has very good strength as compared to other PVC boards. Some of them highly appreciated that Floresta PVC is of better quality than others. They even took Branded and local brand names in comparison particularly in PVC segment.

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