Manilam Launched Its 0.8 MM Collection in Bengaluru

person access_time5 01 July 2019

Indowud NFC is the latest innovation in panel products, which offers a green alternative to the customers. The product has made a positive impact in sales and usability of panel products across the country in a short span of time. Talking about the new solution Mr BL Bengani, MD of the company said, “I wanted to be different from others and create a superior product for the consumers as well as for the wood panel trade. The idea of NFC – Natural Fibre Composite started from thereon. The majority of people make PVC foam boards. Some WPCs are made with wood content between 2 - 25PHR. But, no one could make composite boards with over 100 PHR of natural fibres. We aimed to do so and after getting success in our objective, it is giving us a victorious feeling. After all, it is our own “proprietary” technology”.


Indowud NFC is a zero wood board made using agricultural residues (110 PHR) primarily. A matrix is created between agri-residuals, minerals, additives and resin PVC using a fully automated high-speed heater - cooler mixer machine. Every sheet undergoes surface processing where the boards get their rough surface and get calibrated. The product is lead-free and free from any hazardous ingredients as well.


Indowud NFC is forever termite-proof, waterproof, fire retardant + smoke suppressant as well. It also has good acoustic properties and can be thermoformed to any shape and design. It also comes with anti-fungus and anti-bacterial properties that ensure that the house is safe. It is free from formaldehyde and other VOC emissions as well. Being GreenPro certified by the CII makes it a perfect fit for all GREEN projects or where IGBC / LEEDS rating is required. It is also suitable for exterior applications such as facades, elevation, terrace furniture, seaside/ poolside or garden furniture. Indowud NFC's physical/mechanical properties like density, screw holding are much higher than peer products.

'INDOWUD- Design Technology' has partnered as powered by brand with the Ply Reporter’s e-Conclave on 'WHAT’S NEXT FOR THE FUTURE OF PVC PRODUCTS? A Debate on Demand, Changing Market Needs and Impact of Raw Materials' to be organized on 29 August, 2021 at 11.30 am, which will be live on Ply Reporter’s Facebook page.  The PANELISTS on the discussion includes: Mr. Rakesh Agarwal, Managing Director, Amulya Mica WPC; Mr. B. L. Bengani, Managing Director, Indowud NFC; Mr. Deepankar Garg, Director, Alstone WPC; Mr. S. Karthikeyan, Chairman & MD, Red Star Plastick Pvt Ltd; Mr. Naresh Garg, Director, Black Cobra Group; Mr. Jay Garg, Director, E 3 Group; Mr. Utsav Chhawchharia, Director, ANR International Pvt Ltd; Mr. Dinesh Gupta, Shanti Plywood Co. Delhi; Mr. Rajiv Parashar, Editor, Ply Reporter and Mr. Pragath  Dvivedi, Founder, Ply Reporter.  


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