High prices of raw materials have pushed the Laminates prices up again within 30 days in the year 2022. As per report, there has been an unprecedented increase in the prices of all the raw materials only in the month of March in addition to the previous recommendation made on 10.02.2022. The industry has also seen substantial increase in the cost of fuel and transport and this has resulted in an increase in the overhead cost of production.
ILMA being the representative body of laminate producers across the country has assessed the tentative impact of increase and issued advisory to all the members based on prevailing market; so that members can take appropriate decisions and suitable actions.
As per recommendation dated 8th March, 2022, the prices of 1 mm, 0.9 mm, 0.8 mm and 0.7 mm will increase Rs. 50, Rs. 40, Rs. 30 and Rs. 20 respectively. Hence the prices of 1 mm and 0.8 mm will up to Rs 90 and Rs. 70 respectively within a month.